Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee
Beuys remake. It combines the following works by Beuys Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee and Auskehren.
Read more about Beuys’ Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee at http://www.medienkunstnetz.de/works/jajaja
Beuys remake. It combines the following works by Beuys Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee and Auskehren.
Read more about Beuys’ Ja Ja Ja Nee Nee Nee at http://www.medienkunstnetz.de/works/jajaja
The Optimize machine is outfitted with an “activity tracker”, an electronic device that generates data from the machine’s motions, displaying calorie consumption. The tracker data is used for a soundscape.
Workshop and participatory installation with DIY audio devices. The circuits are powered and controlled by fruits and vegetables. The participatory and exciting installation of media artist Karl Heinz Jeron draws attention to a further aspect of our dealing with resources: In supermarkets and markets, the artist asks for overripe fruit and vegetables that are usually…
A multimedia opera with robots and overheard mobile conversations in four acts. “I’m sitting in the train. Where are you?” Everyone has a mobile phone these days and what was once a conversation in closed rooms is nowadays happening in the public sphere. The mindless phone monologues in busses and trains have irritated the German…
Sculptures in concrete that incorporate plastic plants, soundscape and video
Contribution for the open artistic competition “Glück gehabt” at U-Bahnhof Weinmeisterstraße Berlin. An exhibition project by NGBK
One year long every day a new video with animatronics and postings tagged with #me. identity construction through social media #me mimicks the conditions of social media. This work does not answer the multiplicity of identities, but takes up everything in its infinite soliloquy. Animatronics recite content from social network platforms, hinting at the role…