
9to5 converts immaterial data to physical representation. The drawing maschines use network or other binary data for their choreography. 9to5 visualizes labour. All of the machines work for the minimum wage. They are for hire.
People can bring any digital data. It will be copyed to the machine. Then the drawing robot reads this data byte by byte and uses this information to create an abstract drawing.9to5 konvertiert immaterielle Daten in physische Repräsentation. Die Zeichenmaschinen verwenden Netzwerk- oder beliebige andere binäre Daten für ihre Choreografie. 9to5 visualisiert Arbeitsleistung. Die Maschinen arbeiten zum Mindestlohn. Sie können gemietet werden.

Interessierte schicken digitale Daten, wie Bild- und Textdateien. Diese werden dann auf den Zeichenroboter übertragen. Er liest die Daten  Byte für Byte und verwendet sie für die Herstellung einer abstrakten Zeichnung.


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  1. Composing with the Net

    Karl Heinz Jeron’s 9to5 drawing vehicles use network or any other binary data for their output using simple technology of the ballpoint pen, wired onto rolling wheels. The machines (aka Dr. JKH Frankenstein) work for the minimum wage, and I hired one to print my You Tube Log Archive during a public gallery performance.

    Before KHJ posted his 9to5 work vehicle demo at the gallery, I had coincidently begun to keep a folder named ‘Weeks Work’, so I can track what I actually produced. The YouTube Log I found useful because it produced an archive of my work, since I do plenty of research via You Tube. It fit also with KHJ’s request for recalling work performed. Of course the drawing produced is an abstraction of data produced through binary code. This is a sample from the binary file that KHJ created from my You Tube Log. This he fed into the drawing machine via an ordinary fire wire. 0010 352 0111 16840010 706 0110 353 0011 729 0111 256 1000 264 0010 994.

    I find it curious the history info that You Tube provides in its history log, such as a thumbnail image, the minutes of the video, how many times it was watched, and how many years the video has been placed on YouTube rather than the date of its creation or the creator (Intellectual Property takes a back seat to its web-based viewership?). Still, it is a memory device of work performed returned in smaller cells to make a kind of earlier form of scrolling movie using our present day scroll bar….. KHJ’s ‘Will Work for Food’ vehible was the last thing I watched on this log, dated Oct 15, appropriately.

    When I study my drawing it seems to urge an iconoclastic erasure of all previous videos and to start anew (watching no doubt many more You Tube videos). Still I remain intrigued by these archives that are momentarily unleashed onto our desktop. It has happened when I had needed to download my desktop mail program anew, which then downloaded all previous emails of the past 3 years. Traces of archival residue are trailing behind every type of work we do on the computer. For instance, would it be possible to notate how much more time is spent writing and reading emails, or writing a Blog post? Can I then make this the basis for a writing project about ‘Composing with the Net’. It has become common practice now to note all these various layers of information as they finally sift into a printed text. It certainly has changed how we read and how we write,including citations and intellectual property, so it is fitting that this becomes the subject of the text by making it clear the lines of communication that produced the information.

    Despite the privacy issues involved (it had not been obvious to me that the viewing Log even existed ….) the archival element is compelling in terms of KHJ’s question of recalling work performed, which he elaborates by devising these drawing vehicles.

    I gave him a medium sized file 800MG, it took 15 minutes to make, for which I was charged the full hourly wage of $7.50. I since found out that Germany does not have a minimum wage, and that the German impersonating the America soldier at Check Point Charlie is paid 5 Euro per hour, and others even less. This I found out while waiting for a friend in Mitte while chatting with a Canadian journalist who was in Berlin to make a story about the “Darker Side of the German Economic Miracle.”

    I just spent 1 hr and 25 mins writing up this Blog post. So perhaps I will hereafter begin to attach minutes to all my writing, as an additional element to trace how time is allocated in my workday. Danke Karl.


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